What are the differences between the Application and the Web Client?
From the Scheduling task, the MarkVision Server can be set to perform network discoveries once,
daily, weekly, or monthly. Device discoveries can be scheduled to occur at off times, when network
traffic is less busy, and routinely scheduled device discoveries ensure that the list of devices
MarkVision Professional manages is current.
For a more in depth look at discovering devices, see Adding and removing devices.
What are the differences between the Application and the Web
Differences between the MarkVision Application and the MarkVision Web Client
The MarkVision Application and Web Client are essentially the same program. All folders, filters,
devices, and so on that are managed by the MarkVision Server are available to users of either the
application or the client, provided that the user has been granted access.
The Web Client requires the installation of the Java browser plug-in. Since the Web Client runs
through a Web browser, you can use it to access the MarkVision Server from any computer on your
What do the lines through some devices mean?
Because the nature of MarkVision Professional is such that all tasks are available all of the time, it is
possible to choose devices that do not support a given task. For example, not all printers can report
their toner/ink levels. When this occurs, the name of the device incapable of the selected task has a
line through it.
If a device that does not support the current task is selected, MarkVision Professional responds in
the following way:
• For a single device selection, the message Device Incapable of Task is displayed.
• When multiple devices are selected, and one or more of them do not support the current task,
either of the following occurs:
— For read-only tasks (such as status and toner levels), MarkVision Professional displays
the Device Incapable of Task message in place of the task information for that
device. All supported devices have their appropriate information displayed.
— For multi-device configuration tasks, MarkVision Professional warns you that some of the
devices will not be affected by the task because they do not support the function or
feature that is being configured.
Why are some devices displayed in red text?
Devices that are displayed in red text are password protected. In order to gain access to a password
protected device, you can use the Enter Device Password task to gain access to a protected device