Where is the README file?
Messenger, and a description of each is in the Keyword Detail box, directly under
the Keywords list.
11 Select the type of filter for your action:
• Trigger on Active sends an e-mail whenever a printer enters a Paper Jam state.
• Trigger on Either Active or Clear sends an e-mail whenever a printer enters or exits a
Paper Jam state.
• Custom lets you create your own filter script.
For this example, click Trigger on Active, and then click the Next arrow icon.
12 You will now see a summary of your action. Click Yes to enable the Action.
Results of this example
If a printer monitored by MarkVision Professional enters a Paper Jam state, an e-mail will be sent to
the fictional paper@jam.com. The subject will be "Paper Jam," and the body will be similar to:
There is a paper jam at:, model: generic printer.
In this example, is the TCP/IP network address of the print server to which the
printer is attached, and generic printer is the model name of the printer.
Where is the README file?
If MarkVision Professional was installed in the default location, the README text file can be found in:
For Windows users:
• Click Start
Æ Programs Æ Lexmark Æ MarkVision Professional Æ MarkVision
Professional ReadMe
For UNIX users:
• /usr/markvision/docs/readme
For both Windows and UNIX users:
• You can link to the README file at:
http:/<your server>/markvision
where <your server> is the IP address or hostname of the machine that is running the
MarkVision Server.
Note: If MarkVision Professional is not your default Web server, you need to change the
URL to:
http://<your server>:9180/markvision