Installing MarkVision Professional
1 Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site into the /tmp directory, and
extract the package file:
# /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip /tmp/markvision-pro-hpux11.pkg.gz
2 Start the System Administration Manager by typing /usr/sbin/sam &.
3 On the SAM areas screen, click Software Management.
4 Click Install Software to Local Host. The SD Install-Software Selection screen and Specify
Source dialog appear. If these dialogs do not appear, go to the Actions menu and click
Change Source to open the Specify Source dialog.
5 Make sure that the hostname of the computer that you are installing on appears in the Host
Name text box. If it does not, enter the hostname or select it from the list.
6 In the Source Depot Path field, enter the full path to the HP-UX package file:
7 Make sure Change Software View is set to All Bundles. If it is not:
a Click Change Software View.
b On the Software View screen, click All Bundles, and then click OK.
8 On the Specify Source screen, click OK.
9 Select the bundles you want to install. There are two ways to mark the packages: for
installing all the MarkVision packages at once or installing individual packages.
To install all the MarkVision packages at once
a Click the MarkVisionPro bundle.
b Go to the Actions menu, select Mark for Install. This marks all the MarkVision
Professional packages for install.
c Skip to step 10.
To install individual packages
a Double-click the MarkVisionPro bundle. This displays the server and client packages.
b Double-click each package bundle to view its contents.
c For each package that you want to install, click the package, and then go to the Actions
menu and select Mark for Install. A “Yes” appears beside each package that you have
selected to install.
10 Go to the Actions menu and select Install (analysis).
11 Click OK. A confirmation message appears.