COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-74 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
20. The system prompts:
Select network configuration
1. Grafpoint’s own built-in TCP/IP
2. FTP Software’s PC/TCP
3. Sun Microsystem’s PC/NFS ver’s 3.5—3.9
4. Beame and Whiteside BW-TCP
5. Woolongong’s Pathway TCP
Enter selection of ‘q’ to Quit [1]:
PRESS: Enter
21. The system then prompts:
Select Network Interface
9. Packet Driver
Enter selection or ‘q’ to Quit:
PRESS: Enter
Will you be using more than one Network board in your machine
with more than one packet driver loaded (y/n/q)? [n]:
PRESS: Enter
If you are using basic network configuration, check the IP address in
Table 5-1. Otherwise, consult with your System Administrator to
ensure entering the correct IP address.
Enter this system’s IP address:
TYPE: IP address in format “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” where xxx is a number from 1 to 255
PRESS: Enter
Consult with Network Administrator to verify correct subnet mask.
Enter a subnet mask []:
PRESS: Enter