COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-86 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
7. Remove the floppy disk from the disk drive.
Generic X-Terminal
This full-feature workstation is intended to be workstation hardware defined by the user which can
run MS-DOS Version 5.0 and either the GrafPoint X-One software product or another
manufacturer’s X11 R4 server package.
To allow the 6800 NMS Interface to display on the generic X-terminal, the fonts are distributed in
“BDF” format. They must be converted to the “SNF” format. Each X-server package must have a
program to accomplish that conversion in order to complete the installation process. An example
for an MS-DOS based machine follows:
1. Insert the floppy disk containing the BDF font files in the disk drive:
TYPE: COPY A:\font\*.* C:FONTS
PRESS: Enter
2. When the files are completely copied,
PRESS: Enter
PRESS: Enter
3. The system translates the font files into a format ready for use by the NMS application
software. Remove the font file floppy from the disk drive.
Basic-Feature Workstation Software
The basic-feature workstation application software runs on an Altos 486DX/33, an Altos SX/20, or
an approved AT&T workstation (for a complete list see Chapter 1). The Network Management
Workstation (NMW) software package executes under the Microsoft Windows operating
environment (Release 3.0 running in Real Mode). You will need to install the following software
programs on the basic-feature workstation.
• MS-DOS Release 5.0
• Microsoft Windows Release 3.0
• NMW Software
The following sections provide the installation instructions for each of these three software