Running Diagnostics
8-76800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
10. There are three tests that you should run. The first test involves outputting two ASCII
data patterns to a terminal or printer connected to one of the serial I/O ports on the
IPC-900. To run this test, you need a terminal or printer, a 035-0153-0031 cable, and a
002-0040-0031 or 002-0052-0031 connector. Once you have this equipment, perform the
following steps:
a. Using the 035-0153-0031 cable and the 002-0040-0031 or 002-0052-0031 connector,
connect the terminal or printer to a port on the IPC-900.
b. To output the first ASCII data pattern,
Where: SIOx can be SIO1 through SIO8, representing Ports 1 through 8.
PRESS: Enter
c. To output the second ASCII data pattern,
Where: SIOx can be SIO1 through SIO8, representing Ports 1 through 8.
PRESS: Enter
d. The tests will take 3–4 minutes to run. When they are finished, you will be returned
to the MS-DOS operating system.
11. The second test is a port to port data transfer validation test. The diagnostic program
sends a data pattern out of one port to a second port on the same IPC-900 (the two ports
must have the same configuration). The received pattern is then compared with the
original pattern to identify errors. To run this test, you need a 002-0040-0031 or
002-0052-0031 connector, a 002-0039-0031 or 002-0053-0031 connector, and two
035-0153-0031 cables. Once you have this equipment, perform the following steps:
a. Connect one end of one of the 035-0153-0031 cables to the transmitting port (SIOx)
on the IPC-900, and connect the other end of the cable to the 002-0039-0031 or
002-0053-0031 connector, as shown in Figure 8-4.
b. Connect one end of the second 035-0153-0031 cable to the receiving port (SIOy) on
the IPC-900, and connect the other end of the cable to the 002-0040-0031 or
002-0052-0031 connector.
c. Connect the 002-0039-0031 or 002-0053-0031 connector to the 002-0040-0031 or
002-0053-0031 connector to link the two ports.