Performing Migration
7-156800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
3. Changes to site profiles are frequently needed because site data is extracted from device
profiles fields which may be inaccurate or incomplete. The results may be the following:
• Multiple site names (and profiles) for a single site.
Corrective Action: use the Edit Device Profile (eddp) command to use a single site
name for all devices at a given location. Then delete the site profile using the Delete
Site Profile (dlsp) command for all other site names no longer used at that location.
• Sites positioned at the unnamed site due to an invalid site contact phone number.
Corrective Action: using the network map, examine the object list at the unnamed site.
These sites can be repositioned using the Edit Site Profile (edsp) command to provide
correct city code and country code data (or latitude/longitude data). When all site
profiles have been updated, run the Create Network Map (crnm) command. Then bring
up a new network map. The sites will appear repositioned.
4. Run the Facility Inventory Report (fir) or the List Facility Profile (lsfp) command to list
facilities having the facility types mayexist. The mayexist cases result from ambiguous
information about connections between devices. Facility profiles which do not
correspond to actual existing facilities may be removed using the Delete Facility Profile
(dlfp) command.
5. Run the List Device Profile (lsdp) command to list unmanaged device profiles having the
device type bridge.
Bridges are created automatically by the migration utility to describe a multipoint circuit.
They are assumed to be colocated with the upstream device, while they may actually be
located elsewhere.
• Obtain a list of multipoint bridges run the List Device Profile (lsdp) command to
select devices having the device type bridge.
• To obtain a list of facilities connected to bridges, run a Facility Inventory Report (fir)
or a List Facility Profile (lsfp) command to search for facility types ctrltobr (control
to bridge) or brtotrib (bridge to tributary).
• Use the Edit Device Profile (eddp) command to correct the site location for those
bridges that are not colocated with the control modem. Facility profiles having these
bridges as endpoints will be automatically updated to reflect the change in site name.
• If a bridge does not actually exist, use the Edit Facility Profile (edfp) command to edit
all facility profiles associated with the tributaries. The facilities to be edited can be
selected by locating the bridge on the network map and clicking on each facility
connected to it. The Edit Facility Profile (edfp) command can be activated directly
from the network map via the menu presented for each facility. For each facility
connected to a tributary device, update the Device Name or Device Address field for
the bridge endpoint to show the actual control modem instead. Then use the Delete
Facility Profile (dlfp) command to delete the facility connecting the control modem to
the bridge.
6. Device names are displayed on the Release 4.2 network map rather than addresses. You
may wish to edit device profiles to incorporate the device address into the name. If there
is no device name, the system will assign one.