COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
6-10 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
3. The system will prompt you to continue.
Press RETURN to continue
PRESS: Enter
4. The Network Management System Menu displays. At this point the UIP application
program has been stopped but the UNIX operating system continues to run.
Shutting Down UNIX on the UIP
Once the UIP application program has been shut down, you can shut down UNIX and power
down the entire system. To do so, perform the following steps:
1. The Network Management System Menu displays. Select Shutdown UNIX:
PRESS: Enter
The following message displays:
UNIX will now be shutdown? (y/n):
2. To proceed with the shutdown,
PRESS: Enter
3. The system displays the following message:
You may turn the power off
once UNIX has been shutdown.
Do not shut off the power until the message shown in Step 4 displays, indicating that it is
safe to power off.
4. The system displays the following message:
Shutdown started (date/time)
Broadcast message from root (console) on uip-1 (date/time)
Log off now or risk your files being damaged.
This message is broadcast across the system to alert other users of
impending shutdown.
5. When the following message displays, either power down the system or press any key to
reset the system.
Safe to Power Off
- or
Press Any Key to Reboot.