164 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
Format of info supplied to B_GetAlgorithmInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that gives the address and length of the DER-encoded
algorithm identifier.
Crypto-C procedures to use with algorithm object:
B_EncodeInit, B_EncodeUpdate, B_EncodeFinal, B_DecodeInit, B_DecodeUpdate, and
The final call to
B_EncodeUpdate does not contain message data. Rather, the trailing
call to
B_EncodeUpdate is included to pass in a number of random seed bytes for the
OAEP encoding process. It is recommended that the caller use
AI_X962Random_V0 or
AI_SHA1Random to generate hLen bytes initialized with 160 bits of entropy. The default
digest algorithm for PKCS #1 v2.0 OAEP is SHA1. SHA1 produces a digest of 20
bytes, so hLen for SHA1 is 20 bytes.
B_Decode_Update does not contain an extra call for seed bytes.
Algorithm methods to include in application's algorithm chooser:
AM_SHA is required for the default
digest function and also for the default MGF
underlying digest method.
Compatible representation:
Input constraints:
The total number of bytes to encode must be at least [(2 * hLen) + 1] bytes long.
mgf1SHA1Identifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier {
id-mgf1, sha1Identifier }
-- This identifier means that P is an empty string, so the digest
-- of the empty string appears in the RSA block before masking.
pSpecifiedEmptyIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier {
id-pSpecified, OCTET STRING SIZE (0)