Chapter 1 Introduction 11
The Algorithm Chooser
minimal footprint. If an application only performs encryption, it may use an
algorithm chooser with only the encrypt method to prevent the linker from linking in
the object code for decryption.
Note: Early versions of Crypto-C offered optimized AMs for some algorithms on
selected platforms. For instance, when employing RSA public encryption,
there were:
AM_RSA_ENCRYPT, AM_RSA_ENCRYPT_68 for the MPW compiler on
68K machines, and
AM_RSA_ENCRYPT_86 for the Microsoft compiler on x86
platforms. In versions 3.0 and later, the optimized code for a particular
algorithm, when available, is automatically linked in with the standard AM.
So although it is no longer necessary to specify an optimized AM to link in
optimized code, the old AM-specific optimized code is still valid.