62 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
This AI allows you to build an acceleration table for a public key and the base point to
be used in various elliptic curve (EC) operations. The acceleration values come from a
table that includes values built for the base point, which are the same as those from
AI_ECBuildAcceleratorTable, and additional values built for the public key. This AI
performs at greater speeds than
AI_ECBuildAcceleratorTable for both ECDSA verify
and ECDH Phase 2 operations.
Type of information this allows you to use:
elliptic curve parameters as defined in X9.62 to generate auxiliary data for the
acceleration of elliptic curve operations with base point and public key. Elliptic curve
parameters can be generated through the execution of
Format of info supplied to B_SetAlgorithmInfo:
pointer to a B_EC_PARAMS structure:
must be AI_ECPubKey and
must be an
A_EC_PUBLIC_KEY structure:
Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo:
B_GetAlgorithmInfo is not supported with this AI. If called, it will return an error.
typedef struct {
B_INFO_TYPE parameterInfoType; /* used to interpret EC parameters */
POINTER parameterInfoValue /* describes elliptic curve */
typedef struct {
ITEM publicKey; /* public component */
A_EC_PARAMS curveParams; /* the underlying elliptic curve parameters */