206 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
This AI allows you to change the initialization vector (IV) for a cipher object created
AI_FeedbackCipher without the need to create a new algorithm object or bind in
a new key. This increases the performance of applications that have a long-lived
symmetric key (for example, a DES key) that is used to encrypt many blocks or
messages, each of which has a unique IV.
A similar AI that can be used to change the IV of a CBC mode cipher is
Type of Information this allows you to use:
a new initialization vector to reset an encryption/decryption object defined with
Format of info supplied to B_SetAlgorithmInfo
a pointer to an ITEM of length equal to the old initialization vector.
Format of info returned by B_GetAlgorithmInfo returns
a pointer to an ITEM.
Algorithm methods to include in chooser
Note: Reinitialization may be done anytime after an encryption/decryption session
has been set with its algorithm info. It takes effect after the next initialization.
It may be used in conjunction with a new key to start a new encryption/
decryption session.