Appendix A Crypto-C Error Types 353
0x021d 541 BE_WRONG_ALGORITHM_INFO the required algorithm information is
not in the algorithm object
0x021e 542 BE_WRONG_KEY_INFO the required key information is not in
the key object
0x021f 543 BE_INPUT_COUNT Update called an invalid number of
times for inputting data
0x0220 544 BE_OUTPUT_COUNT Update called an invalid number of
times for outputting data
0x0221 545 BE_METHOD_NOT_IN_CHOOSER algorithm chooser doesn’t contain the
algorithm method for the algorithm
specified by the previous call to
0x0222 546 BE_KEY_WEAK the key data supplied would generate a
known weak key
0x0223 547 BE_EXPONENT_ONE the value of the public exponent cannot
be 1
0x0224 548 BE_BAD_POINTER invalid pointer
0x0225 549 BE_BAD_PASSPHRASE invalid password
0x0226 550 BE_AM_DOMESTIC_ONLY an attempt was made to call a function
that is not available in the export
version of Crypto-C
0x0227 551 BE_BAD_SEEDING bad seeding was passed to an
AI_X931Random object
Table A-1 Crypto-C Error Types
Hex Decimal Error Code Description