352 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
0x0209 521 BE_EXPONENT_EVEN invalid even value for public exponent
in keypair generation
0x020a 522 BE_EXPONENT_LEN invalid exponent length for public
exponent in keypair generation
0x020b 523 BE_HARDWARE cryptographic hardware error
0x020c 524 BE_INPUT_DATA invalid encoding format for input data
0x020d 525 BE_INPUT_LEN invalid total length for input data
0x020e 526 BE_KEY_ALREADY_SET the value of the key object has already
been set by a call to
by a key generation
0x020f 527 BE_KEY_INFO invalid format for the key information in
the key object
0x0210 528 BE_KEY_LEN invalid key length
0x0211 529 BE_KEY_NOT_SET the key object has not been set by a call
or by a key
0x0212 530 BE_KEY_OBJ invalid key object
0x0213 531 BE_KEY_OPERATION_UNKNOWN unknown operation for a key info type
0x0214 532 BE_MEMORY_OBJ invalid internal memory object
0x0215 533 BE_MODULUS_LEN unsupported modulus length for a key
or for algorithm parameters
0x0216 534 BE_NOT_INITIALIZED algorithm is improperly initialized
0x0217 535 BE_NOT_SUPPORTED the algorithm chooser does not support
the type of key information in the key
object for the specified algorithm
0x0218 536 BE_OUTPUT_LEN the maximum size or the output buffer is
too small to receive the output
0x0219 537 BE_OVER_32K data block exceeds 32,767 bytes
0x021a 538 BE_RANDOM_NOT_INITIALIZED the random algorithm has not been
initialized by a call to
0x021b 539 BE_RANDOM_OBJ invalid algorithm object for the random
0x021c 540 BE_SIGNATURE signature does not verify
Table A-1 Crypto-C Error Types
Hex Decimal Error Code Description