TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
NOTE. The oscilloscope can capture a waveform in normal YT mode
at any sampling rate. You can view the same waveform in XY mode.
To do so, stop the acquisition and change the display format to XY.
The controls operate as follows:
H The channel 1 VOLTS/DIV and VERTICAL POSITION controls
set the horizontal scale and position.
H The channel 2 VOLTS/DIV and VERTICAL POSITION controls
continue to set vertical scale and position.
The following functions do not work in XY display format:
H Reference or Math waveforms
H Cursors
H Autoset (resets display format to YT)
H Time base controls
H Trigger controls
Push the HELP button to display the Help menu. The topics cover all
the menu options and controls of the oscilloscope. For more
information on the Help system, refer to page ix.