Application Examples
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
3. Connect the channel 1 probe to the signal.
4. Push the AUTOSET button.
The oscilloscope sets the vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls
automatically. If you want to optimize the display of the waveform,
you can manually adjust these controls.
NOTE. The oscilloscope displays relevant automatic measurements in
the waveform area of the screen based on the signal type detected.
For oscilloscope-specific descriptions, refer to page 79 in the
Reference chapter.
Taking Automatic Measurements
The oscilloscope can take automatic measurements of most
displayed signals. To measure signal frequency, pe riod, and
peak-to-peak amplitude, rise time, and positive width, follow these
1. Push the MEASURE button to see the Measure Menu.
2. Push the top option button; the Measure 1 Menu appears.