Appendix B: Accessories
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Optional Accessories (Cont.)
TDS200-, TDS1000- and TDS2000-Series Digital
Oscilloscope Programmer Manual.
The programmer manual
(071-1075-XX English) provides command and syntax
TDS1000- and TDS2000-Series Digital Storage
Oscilloscope Service Manual.
The service manual
(071-1076-XX, English) provides module-level repair information.
TDS1000- and TDS2000-Series Digital Storage
Oscilloscope User Manuals.
The User manual is available in
these languages:
English 071-1064-XX
French 071-1065-XX
Italian 071-1066-XX*
German 071-1067-XX*
Spanish 071-1068-XX*
Japanese 071-1069-XX*
Portuguese 071-1070-XX*
Simplified Chinese 071-1071-XX*
Traditional Chinese 071-1072-XX*
Korean 071-1073-XX*
Russian 071-1074-XX
*These manuals contain a language overlay for the front-panel controls.
P2200 Probe Instructions Manual. The P2200 probe manual
(071--1102--XX, English) provides information on the probe and
probe accessories.