TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Measurement type Definition
Mean Calculates the arithmetic mean voltage over the
entire record
Pk-Pk Calculates the absolute difference between the
maximum and minimum peaks of the entire
Cyc RMS Calculates a true RMS measurement of the first
complete cycle of the waveform
Min Examines the entire 2500 point waveform record
and displays the minimum value
Max Examines the entire 2500 point waveform record
and displays the maximum value
Rise Time Measures the time between 10% and 90% of the
first rising edge of the w aveform.
Fall Time Measures the time between 90% and 10% of the
first falling edge of the waveform.
Pos Width Measures the time between the first rising edge
and the next falling edge at the waveform 50%
Neg Width Measures the time between the first falling edge
and the next rising edge at the waveform 50%
None Does not take any measurement