TDS2CMA Communications Module
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Checking Command Status
If you want to check the status of each command sent, you can
append an *STB? query after every command and read the response
Processing Break Signals
When the oscilloscope senses a break signal on the RS-232 port, it
returns DCL followed by the end of line terminator. Internally, the
oscilloscope acts as if it received a GPIB <DCL> command, causing
the oscilloscope to erase the contents of the input and output buffers
and then wait for a new command. Break signals do not change
oscilloscope settings or stored data and do not interrupt front-panel
operation or nonprogrammable functions.
If a break signal is sent in the middle of a character stream, several
characters immediately preceding or following the break can be lost.
The controller should wait until it receives the DCL and the end of
line terminator string before sending more characters.
RS-232 Connector Pinout Di agram
The next figure shows the pin numbe ring and signal assignments for
the TDS2CMA RS-232 connector.