Appendix A: Specifications
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Oscilloscope Specifications (Cont.)
Trigger Sensitivity,
Coupling Sensitivity
Edge Trigger Type
DC CH1, CH2,
CH3, CH4
1 div from DC to 10 MHz*,
1.5 div from 10 MHz* to Full
EXT 200 mV from DC to 100 MHz*,
350 mV from 100 MHz to
200 MHz*
EXT/5 1 V from DC to 100 MHz*,
1.5 V from 100 MHz to 200 MHz*
Trigger Sensitivity,
Coupling Sensitivity
Edge Trigger Type,
AC Same as DC at 50 Hz and above
Reduces the DC-coupled trigger sensitivity by
HF REJ Same as the DC-coupled limit from DC to 7 kHz,
attenuates signals above 80 kHz
LF REJ Same as the DC-coupled limits for frequencies
above 300 kHz, attenuates signals below 300 kHz
Trigger Level Range Source Range
CH1, CH2,
CH3, CH4
±8 divisions from center of screen
EXT ±1.6 V
EXT/5 ±8V
* Bandwidth reduced to 6 MHz with a 1X probe.