268 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
CALibration:SETup causes the Channel Calibration function to be performed for
every module channel with an analog SCP installed (input or output). The Channel
Calibration function calibrates the A/D Offset and the Gain/Offset for these analog
channels. This calibration is accomplished using internal calibration references. For
more information see *CAL? on page 399.
Note that the scope of the *CAL? and CAL:SETup commands is limited to the
VT1422A and the SCPs it contains. They do not calibrate Remote Signal
Conditioning Units like the VT1529A/B. CAL:REMote? must be used in addition to
*CAL?/CAL:SETup for RSCs.
Comments • CAL:SET performs the same operation as the *CAL? command except that,
since it is not a query command, it doesn't tie-up the driver waiting for response
data from the instrument. If there are multiple VT1422As in a system, a
CAL:SET operation can be started on each and then a CAL:SET? command can
be executed to complete the operation on each instrument.
• Related Commands: CAL:SETup?, *CAL?
• When Accepted: Not while INITiated
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
start SCP Calibration on 1st VT1422A
start SCP Calibration on more VT1422As
start SCP Calibration on last VT1422A
query for results from 1st VT1422A
query for results from more VT1422As
query for results from last VT1422A
CALibration:SETup? Returns a value to indicate the success of the last CAL:SETup
or *CAL? operation. CAL:SETup? returns the value only after
the CAL:SETup
operation is complete.
Comments • Returned Value:
The data type for this returned value is int16.
Value Meaning Further Action
0 Cal OK None
-1 Cal Error Query the Error Queue (SYST:ERR?)
See error message “3026” on page 454
Also run *TST?
-2 No results available No *CAL? or CAL:SETUP done