324 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
• Controlling Data Destination: The relative form of the SCPI Channel List
syntax is used to control the destination of data from channels in the scan list.
See “Channel List (Relative Form)” on page 232 for a discussion of the syntax.
The value of the "Data Destination" digit controls the destination of the values
read from the specified channels in the following manner:
Example Channel lists (same applies to On-board channels):
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@1(10000:10931))
1st 128 remote Chs sent to CVT
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@2(10000:10931))
1st 128 remote Chs sent to FIFO buffer
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@3(10000:10931))
1st 128 remote Chs sent to CVT & FIFO
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@0(10000:10931))
1st 128 remote Chs discarded
• Relationship between Channel number and CVT location: There is a fixed
relationship between each possible channel number and the Current Value Table
location that the channel reading is sent to.
Data Destination Effect on Reading
1 Reading sent to Current Value Table (CVT)
2 Reading sent to FIFO Buffer
3 Reading sent to CVT and FIFO
0 Reading not recorded (neither CVT or FIFO)
On-board channel CVT Addressing (1nn)
SCP_pos X 64 + SCP_chan + 10
= int(nn/8) X 64 + (nn mod 8) + 10
502 Usable Elements
64 Remote Channels
10000-31 10100-31
64 Remote Channels
11600-31 11700-31
8 on-board channels 888
CVT 0-9
64 Remote Channels
10800-31 10900-31
64 Remote Channels
12400-31 12500-31
on-board channels on-board channels on-board channels
SCP position 0 SCP position 1 SCP position 3SCP position 2
64 Remote Channels
13200-31 13300-31
64 Remote Channels
14800-31 14900-31
CVT394 CVT458
64 Remote Channels
14000-31 14100-31
Only 54 Channels
15600-31 15700-21
CVT298 CVT362 CVT426 CVT490
on-board channels on-board channels on-board channels on-board channels
SCP position 4 SCP position 7SCP position 6SCP position 5
Remote channel CVT Addressing (1nnee)
SCP_pos X 64 + SCP_chan X 32 + Rem_chan + 10
= int(nn/8) X 64 + (nn mod 8) X 32 + ee + 10
CVT10 CVT74 CVT106 CVT138 CVT170 CVT234CVT202
Figure 7-4. Channel Number vs. CVT Element