Error Messages 461Chapter B
3122 'This multiple channel function must not span multiple
SCPs.' See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3123 'E1538A OE switch ON conflicts with this command.'
See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3124 'E1538A OE switch OFF conflicts with this command.'
See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3125 'E1538A VRS switch setting conflicts with OE switch
setting.' See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3126 'E1538A VRS switch setting conflicts with PU switch
setting.' See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3127 'Undefined E1538A stepper motor mode.'
See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3128 'E1538A Input threshold calibration failure.'
See the VT1538A SCP manual.
3129 'Incompatible Aperture and Range values.'
3131 'First or last channel in specified range is invalid.'
3132 'Channel modifier has illegal value.' Only legal values
for Data Destination modifier are 1=CVT, 2=FIFO,
3=CVT and FIFO, 0=neither CVT nor FIFO.
3133 'Last channel in range must be greater than first
channel.' 10000:10008 is OK, 10008:10000 is not OK.
3134 'Scan List contains non-input channel.' Scan list defined
by ROUT:SEQ:DEF can only contain analog input
channel specifiers.3135
'A 3-digit and 5-digit channel are both going to same
CVT location.' Channels in ROUT:SEQ:DEF Scan List
have fixed CVT destinations. On-board 3-digit
channels can collide with remote 5-digit channel
CVT destinations. See “ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine”
on page 323.
3136 'Only 32 channels may be scanned on each
VT1529A/B.' Maximum Scan List entries per
VT1529A/B is 32, so if a channel is used more than
once, some other channel must be left out on that
3137 'VT1539A SCP channel 0 not responding.' Indicates a
communications error between the VT1539A SCP and
a Remote Signal Conditioning Unit connected to the
SCP’s channel 0 input. Check the Data Interface
connection as well as the power connection to
that RSCU.