VT1422A Command Reference 405Chapter 7
IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
*STB? Status Byte Register Query. Returns the weighted sum of all set bits in the
Status Byte Register. Refer to the *ESE command earlier in this chapter for a table
showing the contents of the Status Byte Register. *STB? does not clear bit 6 (Service
Request). The Message Available bit (bit 4) may be cleared as a result of reading the
response to *STB?. The data type for this returned value is int16.
• Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_readStatusByte_Q(...)
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
*TRG Trigger. Triggers an instrument when the trigger source is set to bus
(TRIG:SOUR BUS command) and the instrument is in the Wait for Trigger state.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
*TST? Self-Test. Causes an instrument to execute extensive internal self-tests and
returns a response showing the results of the self-test.
Notes 1. During the first five minutes after power is applied, *TST? may fail. Allow
the module to warm-up before executing *TST?.
2. Module must be screwed securely to mainframe.
Comments • Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_self_test(...)
• Returned Value:
Value Meaning Further Action
0 *TST? OK None
-1 *TST? Error Query the Error Queue (SYST:ERR?)
for error 3052. See explanation below.