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Algorithmic Closed Loop Controller and
Remote Channel Multifunction
For applications requiring large channel counts of strain
measurement, the EX1629 provides a more cost effective
approach to static (and dynamic) strain measurements.
Dynamic strain measurements are implemented by
connecting the EX1629 to high-speed digitizers, such as the
VXI Technology VT1432B and VT1433B.
Note: SCPs are also available for making dynamic strain
measurements (VXI Technology VT1510A, VT1511A, and
Transient Measurements
When making higher speed measurements, a vital issue
often is the time skew between channels. Ideally, in many
applications, the sampled data is needed at essentially
the same instant in time. While the intrinsic design of the
VT1415A/VT1422A provides scanning of 64 channels, with
maximum skew of 640 µs between the first and last channel
(far less than most sampled data systems), this still may not
be small enough skew for some applications.
Transient Voltage Measurements
The VT1510A provides basic sample-and-hold capabilities
on four channels. Six-pole Bessel filters provide alias and
alias-based noise reduction while giving excellent transient
response without overshoot or ringing. The VT1510A can
be used in strain applications primarily where the bridge is
Transient Strain Measurements
The VT1511A, a double-wide SCP, has all the capabilities
of the VT1510A but adds on-board bridge excitation and
completion functions. The four direct input channels are used
for monitoring the bridge excitation. A maximum of four SCPs
(16 channels) can be installed on a VT1415A/VT1422A.
Analog Output
Use the VT1531A for voltage outputs, and the VT1532A for
current outputs. The VT1531A and VT1532A have eight (8)
output channels available on each SCP.
A maximum of seven (7) VT1532A SCPs can be installed on
each VT1415A/VT1422A due to power limitations. There are no
power restrictions on the VT1531A.
Digital I/O
Use the VT1533A Digital I/O SCP to provide two 8-bit input/
output words.
The VT1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP provides
eight (8) channels which can be individually configured as a
frequency or totalizer input, or as a pulse width modulated
Compact Packaging with Signal Conditioning
The VT1415A/VT1422A provide for configurable signal
conditioned I/O with up to eight individual plug-ons for
analog, digital, and frequency needs. The SCPs are:
• VT1501A 8-channel Direct Input SCP
• VT1502A 8-channel 7 Hz Low-pass Filter SCP
• VT1503A 8-channel Programmable Filter and Gain SCP
• VT1505A 8-channel Current Source SCP
• VT1506A 8-channel 120 Ω Strain Completion &
Excitation SCP
• VT1507A 8-channel 350 Ω Strain Completion &
Excitation SCP
• VT1508A 8-channel x16 Gain & 7 Hz Fixed Filter SCP
• VT1509A 8-channel x64 Gain & 7 Hz Fixed Filter SCP
• VT1510A 4-channel Sample & Hold Input SCP
• VT1511A 4-channel Transient Strain SCP
• VT1512A 8-channel 25 Hz Fixed Filter SCP
• VT1513A 8-channel Divide-by-16 Fixed Attenuator &
7 Hz Low-pass Filter SCP
• VT1518A 4-wire Resistance Measurement SCP
• VT1521 4-channel High-speed Bridge SCP
• VT1531A 8-channel Voltage Output SCP
• VT1532A 8-channel Current Output SCP
• VT1533A 16-bit Digital I/O SCP
• VT1536A 8-bit Isolated Digital I/O SCP
• VT1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
• VT1539A Remote Channel SCP (VT1422A only)
Product Specifications