412 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Command Quick Reference
OUTPut (continued)
[:STATe] ON | OFF When module triggered, source a VXIbus trigger on TTLTrg<n>
[:STATe]? Returns whether the TTL trigger line specified by n is enabled
:TYPE PASSive | ACTive,(@<ch_list>) sets the output drive type for a digital channel
:TYPE? (@<channel>) Returns the output drive type for <channel>
:AMPLitude <amplitude>,(@<ch_list>) Sets the voltage amplitude on Voltage Output and Strain SCPs
:AMPLitude? (@<channel>) Returns the voltage amplitude setting
:DEFine (@<ch_list>) Defines the analog scan list.
:DEFine? AIN | AOUT | DIN | DOUT | DEST Returns comma separated list of channels in analog I|O, dig I|O ch lists. For
DEST, returns the data destination for each AIN channel; 0 = none, 1 = CVT,
2 = FIFO, 3 = CVT&FIFO, -1=set by algorithm (writefifo, writecvt, writeboth)
:POINts? AIN | AOUT | DIN | DOUT Returns number of channels defined in above lists.
:TIMer <num_samples>,(@<ch_list>) sets the time interval between channel measurements
:TIMer? (@<channel>) Returns the time interval between channel measurements
:SETTling <settle_time>,(@<ch_list>) Sets the channel settling time for channels in <ch_list>
:SETTling? (@<channel>) Returns the channel settling time for <channel>
:CVTable? (@<ch_list>) Returns elements of Current Value Table specified by <ch_list>
:RESet Resets all entries in the Current Value Table to IEEE "Not-a-number"
[:ALL]? Fetch all readings until instrument returns to trigger idle state
:COUNt? Returns the number of measurements in the FIFO buffer
:HALF? Returns 1 if at least 32,768 readings are in FIFO, else returns 0
:HALF? Fetch 32,768 readings (half the FIFO) when available
:MODE BLOCK | OVERwrite Set FIFO mode.
:MODE? Return the currently set FIFO mode
:PART? <n_readings> Fetch <n_readings> from FIFO reading buffer when available
:RESet Reset the FIFO counter to 0
:APERture <gate_time>,(@<ch_list>) Sets the gate time for frequency counting
:APERture? (@<channel>) Returns the gate time set for frequency counting
FUNCtion Equate a function and range with groups of channels
:CONDition (@<ch_list>) Sets function to sense digital state
:CUSTom [<range
>,](@<ch_list>) Links channels to custom EU conversion table loaded by DIAG:CUST:MXB
or DIAG:CUST:PIEC commands
:HVOLtage [<range>,](@<ch_list>) Links VT1529B high-level input (DCV measurement) channels to custom EU
conversion table loaded by DIAG:CUST:MXB or DIAG:CUST:PIEC
:REFerence [<range>,](@<ch_list>) Links channels to custom reference temperature EU conversion table loaded
by DIAG:CUST:PIEC commands
:TC <type>,[<range>,](@<ch_list>) Links channels to custom temperature EU conversion table loaded by
DIAG:CUST:PIEC and performs ref temp compensation for <type>
:FREQuency (@<ch_list>) Configure channels to measure frequency
:HVOLtage (@<ch_list>) Links the specified VT1529B channels to return DCV on high-input pins on
RJ-45 connector for channel
SCPI Command Quick Reference
Command Description