
What’s New at Revision 8.0.0? 15
LANplex Extended switching software 8.0.0 or greater requires 2 MB EFSMs.
The EFSM TP-DDI module does have 4 MB of memory, although its lower
ejector tab label is blank. See “Extended Switching Software Requirement” on
page 6.
Support for RMON
Revision 8.0.0 or greater of LANplex software offers Full-Time Embedded
RMON support for Ethernet and Fast Ethernet ports through SNMP for four
RMON Groups. When combined with the Roving Analysis Port (RAP)
function, RMON support for these four groups provides a comprehensive,
powerful mechanism for managing your network. This release supports the
following RMON groups:
Statistics Group (group 1) — Maintains utilization and error statistics for the
segment being monitored.
The History Group (group 2) — Holds periodic, statistical samples from the
statistics group and stores them for later retrieval.
The Alarm Group (group 3) — Allows you to define thresholds for any MIB
variable and trigger an alarm.
The Events Group (group 9) — Allows you to define actions based on
alarms such as generate traps, log the alarm, or both.
The RMON MIB contains standard MIB variables defined to collect
comprehensive network statistics to alert a network administrator about
significant network events. If the Embedded RMON agent operates full time,
it collects data on the correct port at the time the relevant network event
You must assign an IP address to the LANplex system to manage RMON. See
the LANplex® 6000 Administration Console User Guide for information on
how to assign an IP address.
Configuring the RMON state of etherStatsStatus, historyControlStatus,
alarmStatus, and eventStatus from the nonexistent state to underCreation
can now be facilitated by setting “valid”.