34 Integration in Tivoli NetView
Configuring with the Map Application Configuration and Operation
5.1.1 Creating a ServerView Component Symbol for a
Fujitsu Siemens Server
The Map application creates a ServerView component symbol in the submap of
a Fujitsu Siemens server with the following capabilities:
– The symbol type is set to Software:FujitsuSiemensServerView
– The label of the symbol is set to ServerView
– The Status Source attribute of the symbol is set to Propagated, i.e., the status
of the ServerView component symbol is derived from the status of the
related object
– The status of the related object is initially set to Unknown
– The selection name of the server object and the suffix :ServerView form the
selection name of the ServerView component object
– The default capabilities of the ServerView component object are set in
accordance with the corresponding symbol definition file
Figure 19: ServerView component symbol