2 Integration in Tivoli NetView
Background Information Preface
1.2 Background Information
ServerView runs on heterogeneous networks using the network management
protocol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and can be easily
linked with other management systems (e.g. HP OpenView NNM, IBM Tivoli
NetView, Microsoft SMS, Novell ManageWise) via standardized interfaces.
ServerView enables a trouble-free integration of Fujitsu Siemens PRIMERGY
servers in enterprise-wide network management systems such as Tivoli.
ServerView monitors important server components such as hard drives, fans
and power supplies. If the values specified for these parameters are exceeded
or an error occurs, appropriate messages are issued, and corrective measures
are initiated if required.
All Fujitsu Siemens PRIMERGY servers on a network can be monitored from
any standard PC running Windows 2000, Windows 2003 or Windows XP using
the server management software ServerView.
Server management offers operators of large networks decisive advantages:
– Increased productivity due to more reliable servers
– Reduced costs due to automatic monitoring of the data processing infra-
– Flexible system expansion, since ServerView can be easily adapted to
changing conditions
– Shorter downtimes due to simplified error analysis
– Shorter response times when errors occur
– Lower total operating costs (total cost of ownership) due to efficient utili-
zation of network components and their resources
– Ease of use through software ergonomics: clear presentation of data, intel-
ligent user interfaces and a help system for user support