Ailes de poulet Teriyaki
3 lbs d’ailes de poulet
1 gros oignon haché
1/2 tasse de sauce soya
1/2 tasse de cassonade
1 c. à thé de gingembre moulu
2 gousses d’ail émincées
1/3 tasse de xérès sec à cuisson
Directives :
Rincer le poulet et assécher. Coupez et jetez les bouts d’ailes. Découpez chaque aile
en deux. Déposer les morceaux dans une lèchefrite. Griller à 4 – 5 pouces de la
chaleur pendant 20 minutes, 10 minutes de chaque côté ou jusqu’à ce que le poulet
soit bruni. Transférer dans la mijoteuse.
Mélanger l’oignon, la sauce soya, la cassonade, le gingembre, l’ail, et le xérès dans un
bol. Verser sur les ailes de poulet. Couvrir et cuire à basse température de 5 à 6
heures ou à température élevée de 2 à 3 heures. Remuer les ailes de poulet.
S’assurer que les ailes sont enrobées uniformément de sauce.
Ailes de poulet Buffalo avec Trempette au fromage
4 lbs d’ailes de poulet
1 1/2 tasses de sauce chili en bouteille
3-4 c. à table de sauce au piment fort en bouteille
trempette de fromage bleu ou sauce pour salade Ranch
Directives :
Couper et jeter les bouts d’ailes. Découper les ailes en deux. Rincer le poulet et
assécher. Placer le poulet sur la grille non chauffée d’une lèchefrite. Griller à 4-5
pouces de la chaleur pendant 10 minutes ou jusqu’à ce que le poulet soit doré, en
retournant une fois. Transférer les ailes de poulet dans la mijoteuse.
Mélanger la sauce chili et la sauce au piment fort et verser sur les ailes de poulet.
Couvrir et cuire à basse température de 5 à 6 heures ou à température élevée de 2 à
3 heures. Servir les ailes Buffalo avec la sauce à salade Ranch ou le fromage bleu.
This appliance is for HOUSEHOLD
USE ONLY and may be plugged into
any 120V AC polarized electrical outlet.
Do not use any other type of outlet.
Using Your Programmable
Intelligent Gourmet Slow Cooker
for the First Time
Prior to first use, clean the appliance
1. Wash the glass lid, the ceramic
pot, buffet pans, buffet pan lids
and buffet pan holder in hot, soapy
2. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
3. Do not immerse metal housing in
4. Plug the power cord into a 120 volt
AC outlet.
5. Always cook with the glass lid in
place and the ceramic pot in
position. Remember that frequent
lifting of the glass lid wil
l delay the
cooking time.
6. When cooking a meat and
vegetable combination, place the
meat in the bottom of the ceramic
7. Unplug the slow cooker when the
cooking process is complete. Allow
to cool completely before cleaning.
The ceramic pot cannot with-
stand the shock of sudden
temperature changes.
8. Do not use frozen meat or poultry
in a slow cooker. Thaw any meat
or poultry before slow cooking.
9. Follow recommended cooking
10. Do not use the ceramic pot for
storage of foods.
11. Do not reheat foods in the slow
cooker. Do not set heated unit
with food on a finished wood table.
Always use protective padding
under ceramic pot before setting
on table or countertop.
12. Do not use slow cooker to boil
Caution: Be careful when adding
additional liquids to ceramic pot.
add cold liquids as this might
cause the ceramic pot to crack.
Always warm the liquids before
Programming the Slow Cooker
1. Plug the unit in to a polarized
electrical outlet. You will hear the
unit beep once and see the
temperature indicator lights cascade
until you press the “Setting” button.
2. Press the "Setting" button until the
you have set the desired cooking
mode "HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW or
3. Then press the symbol “▲” on the
left side of the “Time” button to
increase the cooking time by one
(1) hour increments. Pressing the
“▼” will decrease the cooking time
by one (1) hour increments.
4. Once you have selected the desired
cooking temperature, press on the
"Start/Stop" button to begin cooking.
The temperature level indicator
lights will flash until the set
temperature is reached and the
Start/Stop light will illuminate.
5. If you have programmed a time
(i.e. 1-24 hours), the timer will now
start counting the time down to "0".
6. When set cooking time has expired,
the unit wil
l beep twice (2) and go
into Stand-By mode for
approximately five (5) minutes. The
Start/Stop light will flash. If no inputs
are made by the user, the unit will
then go to “Warm” for six (6) hours.
The slow cooker will then turn off
after the six (6) hours have passed.
7. To stop the cooking process at any
time during the operation, press on
the “Start/Stop" button and the unit
will turn off, the "Power On' light will
go off, and the timer will be cleared.
If you wish to restart the cooking
process, you must start the process
from the beginning.
8. If you do not set any time, the unit
will work in a "Count Up" mode to a
maximum of twenty-four (24) hours.
Once this time has passed, it will
beep once and go into Stand-By
mode for five (5) minutes and then
go into " Warm" mode for six (6)
hours and then shut off. While the
unit is in the “Warm” function, the
“Power On” light will flash to let you
know that the warm feature has
been engaged.