NOTE: The holes in the throttle plate are offset. If
the throttle plate is installed incorrectly, if will not
9. If equipped, install idle mixture screw with
spring and the idle speed screw with
spring. Turn each screw until the head of
the screw touches the spring.
10. Insert new inlet needle (B) into the slot on
the float (A, Figure 67).
11. Place the needle and float assembly into
the fuel transfer tube. Secure with new
hinge pin (C) and center the pin between
the float bosses.
Figure 67
12. Install new o-ring on fuel transfer tube (E).
13. Place new float bowl gasket (A, Figure 68)
on the carburetor body, then press the
fuel transfer tube (B, Figure 69) onto the
carburetor base (C).
Figure 68
Figure 69
NOTE: The locating tang on the fuel transfer
tube MUST be placed in the recess of the
carburetor base as shown.
14. Insert the spring (A, Figure 70) to the
bottom of the float assembly. Place the
fuel bowl on the carburetor base, and
fasten with screws. Torque screws per
values listed in Section 12 - Engine
Figure 70
15. Install solenoid with new gasket. Torque
solenoid to values listed in Section 12 -
Engine Specifications.
Install Carburetor
1. Place new gasket between carburetor and
manifold with long edge of gasket
opposite the fuel inlet.
2. Hook governor link spring (B, Figure 71) in
non-grommet throttle lever hole.
3. Hook governor link (A) in grommet throttle
lever hole. Link fits over top of lever.