Installation Guide for Cisco Unity 4.0(5) and Later Voice Messaging with Microsoft Exchange 2003/2000 (With Failover Configured)
Chapter 1 Overview of Mandatory Tasks for Installing Cisco Unity
Part 2: Installing the Secondary Server for Cisco Unity Failover
11. Install any optional software. See the “Installing Optional Software” chapter.
Caution Do not install Microsoft Outlook on the Cisco Unity server, or Cisco Unity may not notify
subscribers of new messages.
12. Create an emergency repair disk that can be used to repair and restart Windows, if it is damaged.
Refer to Windows Help.
13. Determine the authentication method that you want to use for the Cisco Unity Administrator web
application, and configure IIS, as applicable. See the
“Setting Up Authentication for the Cisco Unity
Administrator” chapter.
Part 2: Installing the Secondary Server for Cisco Unity Failover
The tasks in Part 2 reference chapters in the Cisco Unity installation guide, unless otherwise noted.
14. With a Cisco CallManager integration only: On the phone system, add the voice messaging ports
that will be used by the secondary server. Refer to the “Programming the Cisco
CallManager Phone
System” section of the applicable Cisco
CallManager integration guide at
15. On the secondary server, repeat the following Part 1 tasks, depending on the phone system
integration being used:
• For Cisco CallManager, repeat Task 6. through Task 8.
• For a circuit-switched phone system, repeat Task 5. through Task 8.
16. For the same accounts that you created in Task 9., add the Cisco Unity administration account to the
local Administrators group, and run the Cisco Unity Permissions wizard to set rights and
permissions. See the
“Creating Accounts for the Installation and Setting Rights and Permissions”
17. Use the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to install and configure Cisco Unity
software, and to set up the Cisco
PCA to use SSL, if applicable. You also set up the Cisco Unity
Administrator and the Status Monitor to use SSL, if applicable, and move SQL Server database files
and transaction logs, if applicable. See the
“Installing and Configuring Cisco Unity Software”
18. Install any optional software. See the “Installing Optional Software” chapter.
19. Create an emergency repair disk that can be used to repair and restart Windows, if it is damaged.
Refer to Windows Help.
20. Configure IIS so that the Cisco Unity Administrator and the Status Monitor use the Anonymous
authentication method, if you decided to use that method. See the
“Setting Up Authentication for
the Cisco Unity Administrator” chapter.
21. Store all of the software that was shipped with Cisco Unity together in a location that is safe and can
be readily accessed. You may need the discs later to upgrade or to otherwise modify the Cisco
system, or Cisco
TAC may require you to access them during a service call.