Frymaster H20.5 SERIES Fryer User Manual

3.2 Programming The Computer Magic III.5 (cont.)
4. " " (Setpoint) will appear in the left display. This is for setting the cooking temperature.
The temperature previously selected will be displayed in the right display. Enter new
temperature. Press the switch to lock in temperature setting. If you do not wish to change
the setting, press the switch.
5. "
" (Select Product) will appear in the left display. Press the product button to be
will appear in the left display. The sensitivity number previously selected will be
displayed in the right display. Enter the new desired sensitivity number, the range is 1 to 9.
Enter "0" for no sensitivity. Press the switch to lock in the setting.
Sensitivity adjusts computer-cooking time to compensate for the drop in cooking
oil/shortening temperature when a basket of product is placed into the fryer. Sensitivity
decreases or increases cooking time to counterbalance variances in product density,
basket-load size, and initial temperature. A proper sensitivity setting will ensure a high
quality product. For example: 4 ounces of french fries can be programmed to cook to
the same quality as 2 pounds. A good initial setting is 4 or 5. Some experimenting
with the range of 1 to 9 may be required to achieve optimum quality.
7. will now appear in the left display. A previously entered cook-time will appear in the
right display. If that time is correct, press the switch. If you wish to change the time, enter
the desired time in minutes and seconds. (The new time will be displayed in the left display.)
Press the switch to lock in the setting.
now appears in the left display. The previous shake time (if any) will appear in the right
display. If a product requires shaking during the cooking process, set the shake time by pressing
the number of minutes to cook before shaking. Press the
switch to lock in the time. If no
shake time is required, press "0" and press the switch. Example: Total cook time 3:00
minutes, shake after cooking 1:00 minute.
At the end of 1:00 minute, a beeper will sound and the product button indicator will flash for
three seconds.
will now appear in the left display. Set the time to hold the cooked product from 13
seconds to 60 minutes. Press the
switch. If you do not wish to use the hold time, enter "0"
and press the switch.
will appear in the left display. If you desire to program more products, return to Step 5.
If no more programming is required, lock in program by pressing the switch.