C141-E124-01EN 3 - 83
3.2.9 SET LIMITS (33) (Not Supported)
0 X‘33’
1 LUN 0 0 0 RdInh WrInh
2 Logical Block Address (MSB)
3 Logical Block Address
4 Logical Block Address
5 Logical Block Address (LSB)
6 00000000
7 Transfer Block Count (MSB)
8 Transfer Block Count (LSB)
9 000000FlagLink
This command specifies the address range of logical data blocks on an ID which it is possible to
access by commands which follow this command and which are linked to it, and to specify the type
of operations which it is possible to execute. It is possible to issue this command once only in a
group of commands which are linked in a series.
The specifications in this command are valid only for a series of linked commands which
follow this command. When the link between the commands is cut, the specifications in this
command lose their validity.
The "Logical block address" field in the CDB specifies the logical block address which is the
staring point of the range where access is permitted. When an address in the User Space (X
'00000000' or higher) is specified in the "Logical block address" field, access to the User Space
only is permitted in linked commands which follow this command and CE space cannot be
accessed. On the other hand, if an address in CE space (X '80000000' or higher) is specified,
access to CE space only is permitted in linked commands which follow this command, and User
Space cannot be accessed.