
Usingthe probe.
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for aloneness. The
temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact doneness you wan_
The temperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and a
plug at the other end that goes flTto
the outlet in the oven.
NOTE."Doubleovenmodelshaveaprobe inthe
Use ot probes other than the one
I)ro_ided with this prodtlct illav restllt in
damage to the probe.
Use the handles of the probe and l)lug
when inseiSng and remo_ng them fl'om
the meat and outlet.
Toavoiddamagingyourprobe, donot use
tongstopuff on thecable whenremovingit
Toavoidbreakingtheprobe,makesure food/s
completely defrostedbefore inserting.
/5_'1E '_ Cable
Plug (( )) _,,
Topreventpossibleburns, donot unplug
theprobefrom theoutletuntil the oven
a self-cleaningcycle.
Do notstore theprobe in theoven.
!_i_I_i! ____
Atter preparing the meat and placing it
on a trivet or on the broiler pan grid,
tollow these directions fi:,r l)roper probe
pla cement.
I,ay the probe on the outside (ff the
meat along the top or side and mark
with your finger where the edge of
the meat comes to on the probe.
The point should rest in the center
of the thickest meaty part of the
[] Insert the probe completel) into the
meat, up to the handle. It should
not touch bone, tilt or gristle.
For roasts with no bone, insert the probe
into the meatiest part of the roast. For
bone-in ham or lamb, insert the probe
into the center ot the lowest large muscle
Insert the probe into the center _ff dishes
such as nleat loaf or casseroles. _._]/en
cooking fish, insert the probe fl'omjust
above the gill into the meatiest area,
paiallel to the backbone.
Insert the probe into the meatiest part (ff
the ironer thigh fl'om below and parallel
to the leg of a whole turkey:
(D @ (Z)(Z)G)
How to Set the Oven For Roasting When Using the Probe
Insert the probe into the meat.
Plug the probe into the outlet in the
oxen. Make sure it's pushed all the
wa) in. Close the o'_en dooI:
Press the PROBEpad.
Press the number pads to set the
desired internal flied (:,r meat
temperature. The maximum
internal temperature fi)r the food
that you can set is 200°F.
[] Press the BAKEpad.
] Press the munber pads to set the
desired oxen temperatm'e.
[] Press the START pad.
Thedisplaywill flash if theprobeis inserted
into the outlet andyouhavenot set aprobe
temperatureandpressedthe STARTpad
X'_hen the oven starts to heat, the word
tO will be in the display.
_Mter the internal temperature (ff the
meat reaches lO0°K the changing
internal temperature will be shown
in the displa>
X_q_en the internal temperature of
the meat reaches the number you
have set, the probe and the oven
turn oH and the oven control
signals. To stop the signal, press the
CLEAR/OFFpad. Use hot pads to
remove the probe fl'om the food.
Do not use tongs to pull on it--they
might damage it.
To change the oven temperature during
the Roast cycle, press the BAKEpad and
then the number pads to set the new
If theprobe/s removedfromthe foodbefore
the final temperatureisreached,a tonewi//
soundand thedisplaywi// flash until theprobe
/sremovedfrom the oven.
Youcan use theflYnereventhoughyoucannot
usetimed ovenoperations.