le_ iii, Possible Causes What ToDo
Oventemperaturetoo Oven thermostat * See the Adjust the oventhermostat--Do it yourself!
hot or too cold needs adjustlnent, sectiou.
Oven will not work A fuse in your home may * Replace tile tuse or reset tile circuit breaker:
be blown or the circuit
breaker tripped.
Oven controls improperly set. * See the Using the oven section.
Oven will not self-clean The oven temperature * _Mlow tile oven to cool and reset tile controls.
is too high to set a
self-clemz operation.
Oven controls bnproperly set. * See tile Usingthe self-cleaningoven section.
The probe is plugged into * ReI]love tile probe fl'om tile oven.
the outlet in the oven.
"Crackling " or This is the sound of the * This ix normal.
"popping" sound metal heating and cooling
during both the cooking and
cleaning functions.
Excessivesmoking Excessive soil. * Press tile CLEAR/OFFpad.Open tile windows to rid
during clean cycle tile room of smoke. _Vait until tile LOCKED light goes
off. X&]l)e up tile excess soil and l'eset tile clean cycle.
Oven door will Oven too hot. * Allow the oveu to cool below locking teIul)erature.
not open after a
clean cycle
Oven not clean after a Oven conlro]s not properly set. * See file Using the self-cleaning oven section.
clean cycle
Oven was heavily soiled. * (',lean Up hea\y sl)illovers before startiug tile cleau
cycle. Heavily soiled ovens may need to sell:clean
again or for a longer period of time.
"LOCKED"flashes The self-clean cycle has * (:lose the oven door.
in the display been selected but the
door is not closed.
LOCKEDlightis on The oven door is locked * Press tile CLEAR/OFFpad.Allow tile oven to cool.
when you want to cook because the temperature
inside the oven has not
dropped below the
locking temperature.