
Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Wipe up heavy soil o17the oven
Before a Clean Cycle
We reconmlend venting your kitchen
with an oI)en window or using a
ventilation tim or hood during
the fiist sel6clean cvcle.
Reinoxe the broiler i)an, broiler giid,
I)robe, all cookware and am ahunintun
foil fl'oIn the oxen.
The oxen shelxes can be self-cleaned, but
they will darken, lose their hister and
beconie hard to slide.
Do not rise abrasives or ()veil cleanei_.
Clean the top, sides and outside of the
oven door with soap and wateI;
Make sure the ()veil light bulb cover
is in I)lace and the ()veil light is ofl_
IMPORTANT'. The health of soIne birds
is extrenlelv sensitive to the fiunes given
off' during the self=cleaning cycle of
any oven. Move birds to another
well-ventilated roonl,
Oil double oven nIodels, you can
set a clean cycle in both ovens at the
sanie tinle. The last oven set will
atitoniaticallv delay its start until the
end of the fiist oven's clean cvcle.
On double ()veil models, ,_ou can
rise dined baking in one oxen and
sel6clean the other at the sanie tiine.
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How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[] Press tile SELFCLEANSTD/LOWI)ad
once It)I" a 4-hot/r (lean [lille or
twice foi a 3-houI clean dine.
A 3-houI self-clean tinie is
i'eCOll/illended tor rise when
cleaning sinall, contained spills. A
self=clean tinie of 4 houi_ or lonoer
is reconmiended for a dirtier oxen.
If a dine other than 4 houi_ or
3 houI_ is needed, use the ntunber
i)ads and enter the desired clean
You can change the clean tiine to am
tiIne between 3 houi_ and 5 houi_,
dei)ending on how dirt}, )our oxen is.
[] Press the START I)ad.
Tile door locks autonlaficallv, The disI)lay
will show the clean (line renlaining. It will
not be I)ossible to open the ()veil door
until the tenll)erattlre droi)s below the
lock tenll)eramre and the LOCKEDlight
goes off.
&,_]_eilthe LOCKEDlight goes off; you will
be able to ol)en the dooI:
' The words LOCKED will flash and the
()veil control will signal if you set the
clean cycle and fl)iget to close the
()veil (loor.
To stop a clean cycle, press the
CLEAR/OFFI)ad. _,_]/ell the LOCKED
light goes off indicating the oven has
cooled below the locking tenll)erattu'e ,
you will be able to open the dooI: