
Control Panel
It's a good idea to wipe the control
panel atier each use. Clean with mild
soap and water or vinegar and water;
rinse with clean water and polish dry
with a soft cloth,
Do not use abrasive cleansex_, strong
liquid cleansex_, plastic scouring pads or
oven cleanexs on the control panel--they
will damage the finish. A 50/50 solution
of vinegar and hot water works well.
Stainless Steel Surfaces (onsome models)
Do not use a steel-wool pad; it will
scratch the surface.
To clean the stainless steel surface,
use warm sudsy water, a stainless steel
cleaner Stlch as ICdeen ]killg 2or [111
all-pm'i)ose liquid or spray cleane_:
Mwa_:s scrub in the direction of the
grain, Rinse thoroughly with a sponge
or cloth and clean water: Dry with a soil
clean cloth.
Atter cleaning, use a stainless steel
polish, such as Stainless Steel Magic'",
Revere (:opper and Stainless Steel
CleaneF or _'enol M1 Pro'pose
Metal PolislF, Follow the product
instructions fl)r cleaning the stainless
steel surtace.