Proper Lifting of Unit
309535L 11
Proper Lifting of Unit
Either remove the cart handle or secure it to the cart
before lifting the unit. Connect a bridle swing, hooking
an end to each of the Xtreme Mix air motor rings. Hook
the center ring on a hoist. See F
IG. 5. Carefully lift the
Xtreme Mix unit; make sure it balances evenly.
Follow instructions below to avoid dropping or swing-
ing unit or being struck by the cart handle, which can
cause serious injury or damage to equipment.
IG. 5
Do not install equipment approved only for non-haz-
ardous location in a hazardous area. Substitution of
components may impair intrinsic safety. Read warn-
ings, page 5. Ground equipment as instructed below.
If connecting PC for data download, PC must be in
non-hazardous location and a safety barrier must be
installed. See Xtreme Mix software documentation.
1. Grounding: Connect Xtreme Mix ground wire clamp
(G) to a true earth ground.
2. Model 248842 Only: This model uses a remote mix
manifold, which is connected to the unit by at least
50 ft. (15 m) of individual fluid hoses. Refer to manu-
als 310794 and 310797 for typical setups.
All Other Models: The 50 ft. (15 m) fluid hose (W),
static mixer (X), whip hose (Y), and gun (Z) come
assembled. Note the order of connection.
Do not assemble static mixer (X) directly to fluid man-
ifold. Install static mixer after first 50 ft. (15 m) of hose
to ensure material is completely mixed. Spraying
unmixed material could necessitate rework of part