The grillaccessoryconsistsof twoblackgrillgrates,a grillelement,andtwogrill-rocks.
To Install Grill
1. Before installinggrillcomponents,becertain controlsare OFF.
2. Placethetwogritl-rocksintoanemptybasinpan withtheirhandlesrunningparallel
to thefrontofthe range. These grill-rocksmustbe usedsincethey supportthe grill
3. Positionthegrill elementwiththe terminalplugtowardsthe terminalreceptacle.
This receptacleis locatedat thefrontofthe leftsideandatthebackoftherightside
of the range. Slidethe elementtowardsthe receptacleuntilthe terminalplug is
completelyengaged. The grillelementshouldnowrestonthehandlesofthegrill-
4. Place the blackgrillgrateson the top of the rengetop.
To Remove Grill
1. Removegrillcomponentsoncethey are cool. Be surecontrolsare OFF.
2. To removegrillelement, pull awayfrom receptacleuntilit is unplugged. (Note;
Liftingthe element more than 2 inchesabove the rangetopsurface while it is
engaged inthe receptaclecoulddamage theterminalplug.)
3. A storagetray, ModelA350, is availableforpurchaseand canbe usedfor storing
the grillassembly.
Installing Other Grill Accessories
1. Removethe two blackgrill gratesfrom the grill. Now you are readyto use the
2. RevLewthe instructionsfor installingandusingtheaccessoriesthat are packaged
withthe accessory.
Note: Accessoryoptionsare shownon page 50.