Jenn-Air SVE47500 Convection Oven User Manual

Control Knobs
The knobson the control panelcan be removedwith the controls inthe OFF position.
Pull each knobstraightfrom the shaft. Wash knobsin warm soapy water or dishwasher;
do not use abrasive cleansers or materials. To replace each knob, match flat part of
knob opening with the spring on the shaft, returnir_j in OFF position.
Control Panel Area and Display Window
Wipe withpapertowelsdampenedwithsoapywateror glasscleaner. Do notsprayany
cleaningsolutionsdirectlyontothe displaywindowor uselargeamountsof soap and
water. Do not scrub with S.O.S pads or abresive c/eansere.
Glass on Oven Door Front
Use any suitableglasscleaneror soapywater.
Oven Door Trim
Slightlydampen a clothor papertowelwith soapy water or glass cleaner. Do not use
excessiveamounts of water or allow water to rundown throughthe air vents in the door
since this will cause streaks which will be visible through the glass door.
The ovenoperationcontrolscanbe lockedinthe "OFF" positionduringcleaningotto
prevent a child from accidentally turning them on. The oven functionswhich can be
lockedin the"OFF" positionare:Bake,ConvectBake,ConvectRoast,BroilandClean.
Thecontrolfunctionswhichcanalwaysbe used regardlessoflockoutare:Timer,Clock,
Fan andOven Light.
To set
Touch and hold the Cook Time Pad and the Stop Time Pad simultaneouslyforfour
seconds. The IndicatorWord "OFF" willappear and remainin the temperaturedigits
forfifteen seconds.
Note: If an ovenfunctionis currentlybeing used,the controlscannotbe lockedoff.
Note: If someonetouchesan ovenfunctionpad, the IndicatorWord "OFF" willagain
appear in the temperaturedigitsfor fifteenseconds.
To cancel
Touchand holdthe Cook Time Pad andthe Stop Time Pad simultaneouslyforfour
seconds.The IndicatorWord"OFF" willappearbrieflyinthetemperaturedigitsandthen