If oven door will not unlock:
• oven may not have cooledto safetemperatureafter self-cleaningprocess.
• electriccurrentcominginto the oven may be off.
If foods do not broil properly:
• theovencontrelsmay not be set properly.
• checkrackposition.
• voltageintohousemaybe low.
If baked food is burned or too brown on top:
• foodmay be positionedincorrectlyin oven.
• oven not preheated properly.
If food• bake unevenly:
• therangemay be installedimproperly.
• checkthe oven rackwitha level.
• staggerpans,do not allowpansto touch each other oroven wall.
• checkinstructionsfor suggestedplacementof pans onoven rack.
If oven baking results are less than expected:
• the pans beingused may not be of the size or material recommendedfor best
• there may notbe sufficientroom around sidesof the pans for proper air circulation
in the oven.
• check instructions for preheating, rack position and oven temperature.
• oven vent may have been blocked or covered.
If baking result• differ from previous oven:
• oventhermostatcalibrationmay differbetweenold andnew ovens. Followrecipe
and useandcare directionsbeforecallingforservicesincethe calibrationon the
previousovenmayhavedriftedtoatoohighortoolowsetting.(See p.44- Adjusting
Oven Temperature.)
Fault Codes
• Faultcodesare showninthe Displayas "F" anda number.Ifa faultcodeappears
inthe Displayand acontinuousbeepsounds,touchtheCancel Off Pad. Ifthefault
code reappears,disconnectpowerto the range and call an authorizedJenn-Air
Service Contractor.