• Usethe Convect Roast Pad for bestresults.
• Preheating the oven is r_t necessary.
• Followpackagerecommendationsfor oven temperature,foilcoveringand use of
cookie sheets. Cooking times willbe similar. See chart belowfor some exceptions
and examples.
• Centerfoodsin the oven. If more than one food item is beingcooked or iffoods are
being cooked on multiple racks, stagger foods for proper air circulation.
• Mostfoods are cooked on rack position #3o.
• For multiple rack cooking, use racks #1, 3o and 4. However, pizzas should be
placed on cookie sheets and baked on rack position #2o, 3 and 4.
Hereare a few examplesoftimesand temperatures
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*An "o" after a rack number implies that the offset rack should be used.
**Conventional Bake usesthe Bake Pad.
Note: Convect roastingtimes will besimilar tothe conventionaltimes becausethe oven
is not preheated. The time savings comes from not having to preheat the oven.