1 Preparing and using for the first time
1 Preparing and using for the first time
Visit us on the Internet. You can download short operating instruc-
tions for your machine from the JURA website (www.jura.com). You
will also find interesting and up-to-date information on your GIGA
and on every aspect of coffee.
When setting up your GIGA, please note the following:
Place the GIGA on a horizontal surface that is not sensitive to
Choose a spot for your GIGA which protects the machine
against overheating. Ensure that the ventilation slats are not
Daily maintenance of the machine and hygiene when handling milk,
coffee and water are key to a perfect coffee result in the cup every
time. You should therefore change the water daily.
Milk, sparkling mineral water or other liquids can damage the water
tank or the machine.
T Only fill the water tank with fresh, cold water.
T Open the water tank cover.
T Remove the water tank and rinse it with cold water.
T Fill the water tank with fresh, cold water and reinsert the
T Close the water tank cover.
The bean containers have an aroma preservation cover. This will
ensure that your coffee beans retain their aroma for longer.
Coffee beans which have been treated with additives (e.g. sugar),
ground coffee or freeze-dried coffee will damage the grinder.
T Only use untreated coffee beans to fill the bean container.
T Remove the aroma preservation cover.
T Remove any dirt or foreign objects from inside the bean
JURA on the Internet
Setting up the machine
Filling the water tank
Filling the bean container