Kenmore 100.90002 Food Processor User Manual

_ CAUTtON: Make surecontrol knobswitchis turned to OFFand unit is
unpluggedbefore use. Never useyour handto pushfood into processor_
The useof heavypressurewill not speed operation.
1 LocktheBowl onto theBase as described in Assembfy
2. Sllde the disc stemdown onlo thecenterpeel of lhe base,then placetheslice/shred
disc, w[Ihthe desiredside facing upfor either slicingor shredding, ontothe disc slam
and push down At this point thedisc witlbe atthe topof the bowl
_ WARNING: WARNING:Slicing/ShreddingDiscs is sharp.
Use cautionwhenhandling.
3 Lockbowlcoverassembtyontobow!
4 Make surethefood chutelid tslatched into place
5 Fil!the movable loop wtthlong and thinfoodItems suchas potatoes,pepperonl,
carrots,or celery.
6 Insertfood pusher Into the movableloop. Plugfood processorcordintoelectric
outlet.Bfue Powerlight and blue OFF light should Illuminateto show thatthe food
processor tsconnected to power and readyto operate.
_ WARNING: Food pushermustalways be used when food. ]
NEVER use handto pushfood directly,
7 Push the ON button,then pressdown lightlybut firmly on food pusherto feed Items
down and onto slice/shreddisc. Whenthe chutela empty,press OFF
8- Toprocessadditionalitems unplugthefood processorandadd more long pieces
Intothe movable loop.Insert foodpusherIntomovable loop and plugfoodprocessor
cordInto electricoutIet,Blue Powerlight and blueOFF light shouldbe Illuminated to
show that thefood processor ts again readytooperator
9 Pushthe ON button,thenpress down lightlybut firmlyon food pusherto feed items
down and onto slfceishred diso_When the chuteIsempty, press OFF, unplug, and
walt until disc stopsrotating.
CAUTION: Before opening the Bowl Cover Assembly, turn the unit
OFF and unplug the cord.
10 Take off thebowl cover and carefullylift out dlscand disc stem, Unlock Bowl by
turningclockwise towardsUnlock Icon and lift bowl off°Empty the processed food.