Fresh vegetables
Prepare fresh vegetables in the usual way, i.e. wash, clean
and chop.
Frozen vegetables
Frozen vegetables do not need to be defrosted beforehand.
Exception: Vegetables that have been frozen in a block.
Frozen and fresh vegetables with the same cooking time can
be cooked together.
If vegetables have frozen together in clumps, break them up.
Cooking pans
For even cooking of smaller items, it is best to use a shallow
pan for these types of foods and only fill it to a depth of 1 1/4"
- 2" (3 - 5 cm). Distribute large quantities of food between
several shallow cooking pans.
Use solid pans for vegetables which are cooked in liquid,
such as cabbage.
Shelf level
When cooking vegetables with a distinctive color (e.g. beets)
in a perforated pan, do not place any other foods beneath
this pan. This will prevent any discoloration from dripping
Cooking duration
When cooking vegetables with steam, the cooking duration
will depend on the size and desired degree of doneness.
Steam Cooking