
MD-44 Direction Field Conversion
MD-44 Direction Field Conversion
Refer to the illustration on the previous page and note that machine assemblies are numbered
from 1-8A and labeled. To convert the machine, remove the assemblies in numerical order and
reinstall them as described below.
Remove the front panel.
1. Remove the pawl bar assembly. Remove the crosshead from the end on the pawl bar.
Reattach the crosshead on the opposite end of the pawl bar. Install the pawl bar after
the piping changes are complete.
2. Remove the curtain and curtain baffle from the unload end of the machine. The baffle is
held by three 1/4-20 acorn nuts. Rotate the baffle 180° and install it on the studs provided
at the opposite end of the machine. Install the curtain on the baffle.
3. Disconnect the L-shape copper tubing running between the booster tank outlet and the
final rinse vacuum breaker. Set the tubing aside for modification and reuse later.
4. Remove the final rinse thermometer probe from the upper rinse piping assembly.
Unscrew the upper rinse piping assembly and set aside.
4A. Remove the black plug covering the hole on the top right rear of machine hood and
install it in the hole where the upper rinse piping assembly was removed in Step 4.
(continued on next page)