Initial Setup Instructions
May 1998
3. Do one of the following at the (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn): prompt:
— To accept the subnet mask, press Return or,
— To enter a different subnet mask, enter a new subnet mask and press
The system highlights the OK to restart?: prompt.
4. Type y at the yes/no: prompt to restart the card or n to decline the restart.
If you type y, the card restarts. The system displays the Hotwire Chassis
Main Menu.
At this point, the MCC card can accept a Telnet session for remote
If an MCC powers up with no router ID (for new cards or after a clear NVRAM
command has been executed), the MCC will perform a BOOTP out the Ethernet
interface to acquire an IP address and subnet mask. This IP address and subnet
mask is kept in non-volatile storage if you want to enter or override this
information on either the Who Am I screen or the MCC Ethernet IP Address
Additional Setup Instructions
This section describes additional setup instructions you should perform. On the
Chassis Information screen, you can enter pertinent chassis information, such as
the chassis name, name of the person responsible for the system, and the
physical location of the chassis.