To get you up and running q_ickty, the following is a list
of the ovens basic features:
1, Door Handle, Pu{I to open door.
2. Door Safety Lock System. The oven wili not
operate unless the doer is eecure_y cloeed.
3. Window with Metal ShieFd. Shield prevents
microwaves from escaping. It is designed as a
screen to allow you to view food as it cooks.
4. Two-Position Metal Rack. Use for extra space
whe_ cooking in more than one container at the
same time. See page 21 for more infor_ation.
::: G ":._se Filter. See page 27 for cleaning
r_ Coe, ktop/Oountertop Light. ]'urn on to light your
cooktop or ceunter_op or turn on as a night fight,
See page 10 for more information,
7, Control Panel Touch the pads on this panel to
perform all functions,
8, Vent Gril}e. See page 27 for replacing the charcoal
& Cooking Guide. Use as a quick reference for Auto
Reheat, Auto Cook and Auto Defrost,
I0. Temperature Probe. Used for reheating or cooking
to a specific temperature, See page 20 for more
NOTE:Do not store the Temperature Probe in the
oven when probe is not being used.
11. Model and $edat Number Plate.
12, Glass Turntable, The turntable turns foods as it
cooks for more even cooking, It must be in the
oven during operation for best cooking results.
When the temperature probe is used, the turntable
will be turned off.