Sharp R-820BW Microwave Oven User Manual

Pin No. Signal I/O Description
Power output ON time OFF time
100 % 48 sec. 0 sec.
90 % 44 sec. 4 sec.
80 % 40 sec. 8 sec.
70 % 36 sec. 12 sec.
60 % 32 sec. 16 sec.
50 % 26 sec. 22 sec.
40 % 22 sec. 26 sec.
30 % 16 sec. 32 sec.
20 % 12 sec. 36 sec.
10 % 8 sec. 40 sec.
For 5 minutes after grill, or for a 
while after convection or roust. 
39 XOUT OUT Internal clock oscillation frequency control output.
Output to control oscillation input of XOUT.
40 VSS IN Power source voltage: -5V.
VC voltage of power source circuit input.
41 P27 OUT Bottom heater driving signal.
To turn on and off the bottom relay (RY4).
"L" level during grill (TOP AND BOTTOM)
cooking, Convection cooking or Roast
cooking, "H" level otherwise.
The heater relay turns on and off within a
48 second time base in accordance with
the special program in LSI.
42 P26 OUT Convection motor driving signal.
To turn on and off shut-off relay(RY1). "L"
level during CONVECTION; "H" level oth-
erwise. (Relay RY1 does not turn on at
preheating mode.)
43 P25 OUT Fan motor driving signal.
To turn on and off the fan motor relay RY5. "L"
level during cooking, or for 5 minutes after grill
cooking or for a while after convection or roust
cooking. "H" level otherwise.
44 P24 OUT Terminal not used.
45 P23 OUT Common data signal: COM5.
Connected to LCD (Pin No. 37)
46-48 P22-P20 OUT Segment data signal.
Connected to LCD. No connection in LCD.
49-50 P17-P16 OUT Segment data signal.
Connecte 0d to LCD. No connection in LCD.
51-80 SEG39-SEG10 OUT Segment data signal.
Connected to LCD.
The relation between signals are as follows:
LSI signal (Pin No.) LCD (Pin No.) LSI signal (Pin No.) LCD (Pin No.)
SEG 0 (90) ............... SEG45 (51) SEG23 (67) ............SEG17 (17)
SEG 1 (89) ............... SEG44 (50) SEG24 (66) ............SEG16 (16)
SEG 2 (88) ............... SEG43 (49) SEG25 (65) ............SEG15 (15)
SEG 3 (87) ............... SEG42 (48) SEG25 (65) ............SEG15 (32)
SEG 4 (86) ............... SEG41 (47) SEG26 (64) ............SEG14 (14)
SEG 5 (85) ............... SEG40 (46) SEG27 (63) ............SEG13 (13)
SEG 6 (84) ............... SEG39 (45) SEG28 (62) ............SEG12 (12)
SEG 7 (83) ............... SEG38 (44) SEG29 (61) ............SEG11 (11)
SEG 8 (82) ............... SEG37 (43) SEG30 (60) ............SEG10 (10)
SEG 9 (81) ............... SEG31 (31) SEG31 (59) ..............SEG 9 ( 9)
SEG10 (80) .............. SEG30 (30) SEG32 (58) ..............SEG 8 ( 8)
SEG11 (79) .............. SEG29 (29) SEG33 (57) ..............SEG 7 ( 7)
SEG12 (78) .............. SEG28 (28) SEG34 (56) ..............SEG 6 ( 6)
SEG13 (77) .............. SEG27 (27) SEG35 (55) ..............SEG 5 ( 5)
SEG14 (76) .............. SEG26 (26) SEG36 (54) ..............SEG 4 ( 4)
SEG15 (75) .............. SEG25 (25) SEG37 (53) ..............SEG 3 ( 3)
SEG16 (74) .............. SEG24 (24) SEG38 (52) ..............SEG 2 ( 2)
SEG17 (73) .............. SEG23 (23) SEG39 (51) ..............SEG 1 ( 1)
SEG18 (72) .............. SEG22 (22) P16 (50) .................SEG32 (38)
SEG19 (71) .............. SEG21 (21) P17 (49) .................SEG33 (39)
SEG20 (70) .............. SEG20 (20) P20 (48) .................SEG34 (40)
SEG21 (69) .............. SEG19 (19) P21 (47) .................SEG35 (41)
SEG22 (68) .............. SEG18 (18) P22 (46) .................SEG36 (42)